Microsoft Office 365 Migration Overview
1) IMAP Migration
- Domain and User Setup
- Redirect Mail Flow (MX Record)
- Start Incremental Sync (once per 24 hours)
- Select New MAPI profile
- Outlook Download
2) Cutover Migration
- Domain Setup existing service is prepared
- Initial Email Sync (5-10Gb/hr)
- Incremental Sync (once per 24 hours)
- New MAPI Profile (Friday evening)
- Outlook Download
- Redirect Mail Flow (MX record)
- Incremental Sync
- Delete Migration Batch (Monday)
3) Staged Migration
- Domain and Directory Sync Setup
- Batch #1 Start (Evening)
- Incoming Emails Delivered to Both mailboxes
- Initial Sync (5-10Gb/h)
- New MAPI Profiles
- Outlook Download (night)
- Incremental Sync (once per 24 hours)
- Batch #1 Delete
- Next Batch
- Repeat until complete
- Redirect Mail Flow (MX Record)